
History of Durga Sah Library in Nainital

Read in Hindi

An interesting episode is linked to how the Durga Sah Library came into existence in Nainital. Late Mr. Mohan Lal Sah, an eminent citizen of the town, frequently rued the fact that there was no library in Nainital. He came up with a proposal to establish a library during the municipal corporation meeting in 1933-34.

The then chairman, Mr. Busher refused the proposal saying that the Municipal Corporation didn’t have enough budget for such a project. He told the members present in the meeting that building a library would cost about RS. 5000 which the Municipal Corporation couldn’t afford. The proposal was rejected.

Mr. Mohan Lal Sah offered to donate Rs. 5000 for the project on the condition that the forthcoming library is named after his father Durga Lal Sah. His proposal was accepted and a library was built. This library went on to become one of the best in the whole of North India. Even today, it hosts some very important and rare editions.

An ad hoc library was opened on the Ladies Pavillion of the Flats on 27 May 1940. The total expenditure came to Rs. 5360. Two loudspeakers were also installed in the library from which news bulletins were aired every morning and evening.

A Library Committee was set up on 1 November 1941 and civil work for building the library was begun. The building was completed in 1942 with an expense of Rs. 65427.

After a few years, the new chairman of the Municipal Corporation pleaded that the corporation was spending a lot of money on buying books and returned the RS. 5000 donation to Mohan Lal Sah. Mr. Sah never bothered to encash the cheque sent by the municipality.

On 30 August 1946, the UP government ordered that the library be renamed Durga Sah Municipal Library. It is still known by this name.

The library was a center of attraction for the locals and tourists alike. People from all parts of the country visited it and savoured the books. The ex-President of India Mr, Varah Giri Venkat Giri was the Governor of UP 1957 and 1960. During his summer stay in Nainital, he would make it a point to visit this library. He was so impressed by the library that he called it a ‘heritage of the hill station.’

When Mr. R. Narsimha, the then Justice of the Odisha High Court came to Nainital in 1962 and visited the library he was forced to remark – “I made full use of my month-long stay in Nainital by visiting the Municipal Library. I have never seen such an extensive collection of biographies and historical books anywhere else.”

शेरवुड स्कूल का अमिताभ बच्चन और नैनीताल के छोकरे

A Japanese tourist Mr. Miniyochi came to Nainital in 1965 and visited this library. He was so impressed by it that he remarked – “I was very happy to see a very orderly library in Nainital. Although there are many libraries in Japan but none of them equals this. I express my respect and honour for this philanthropic act.”

In those days, libraries and reading rooms were existent in Sharda Sangh, Hari Sankirtan Sabha and Sanskriti Kala Kendra in Nainital. These libraries were kept open for a month during the winters as well so that children could use them during their winter breaks.

नैनीताल की पाल नौकाओं का दिलचस्प इतिहास


Vineeta Yashaswi

Vineeta Yashaswi lives in Nainital. A travel and photography enthusiast, Vineeta has been associated with the Nainital Samachar for over a decade.

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Kafal Tree

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