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Glimpses of Bageshwar Uttarayani Fair

A Historical Fair

इस लेख को हिन्दी में पढ़ें

The Uttarayani Fair of Bageshwar in Uttarakhand holds historical importance.

In the older days it was a trade-based fair. People from far and wide would come here for shopping and entertainment. The Shauka traders involved in the Indo-Tibet trade would also arrive.

An old History

The mountain-dwelling people of Uttarakhand had to tolerate the unjust legal custom of Coolie-Begaar during the British days.

This discriminatory law demanded that all hill-citizens were obliged to serve the British officials. For this, they had to pay with money, property and physical labour.

A long-term movement ran for a long time in Uttarakhand demanding an end to this unfair custom. The movement met its success in Bageshwar.

End of Coolie-Begaar

The Uttarayani Fair was in full swing in Bageshwar in 1921.

On the 14 January 1921, a large number of villagers had come to attend the Uttarayani Fair of Bageshwar. Popular mass leaders like Hargovind Pant, Chiranji Lal and Badri Dutt Pande were also present. Under their enthusiastic leadership, all the official documents pertaining to Coolie-Begaar were thrown into the River Saryu.

The call of victory that originated from the premises of the Bagnath Temple of Bageshwar culminated in people’s victory.

The participation of Uttarakhand found a new channel after this event. Even Mahatma Gandhi praised this act of the people.

The fair is held even today

The Uttarayani (Makar Sankranti) Fair is held in many places of Uttarakhand.

Local artists gather here and perform in front of large crowds.

Jaimitra Singh Bisht has captured some fantastic images of this important fair.


Jaimitra Singh Bisht
Jaimitra hails from Almora. A fabulous lensman, Jaimitra is involved in all sorts of adventure activities. His bookshop, Almora Kitabghar is a favourite hangout of the intelligentsia of Almora. He is a vital member of the Kafaltree team.

काफल ट्री वाट्सएप ग्रुप से जुड़ने के लिये यहाँ क्लिक करें: वाट्सएप काफल ट्री

काफल ट्री की आर्थिक सहायता के लिये यहाँ क्लिक करें

Kafal Tree

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Kafal Tree

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