शिक्षा और विज्ञान

Dayasagar ‘Masap’ of Almora who was honored by President Zakir Hussain: Teacher’s day

Roop Durgapal is a well-known television actress who basically belongs to Almora. She is best known for her role as Sanchi in the serial Balika Vadhu. On teacher’s day, she wrote a memoir on her maternal grandfather, who was honored by President Zakir Hussain in 1967-68. (Dayasagar Masap of Almora)

My Nanaji – Shri Dayasagar Bhatt was born in Almora in a very well respected family of a home-maker mother, Smt. Shobha Bhatt, who was known to be very beautiful & father, Shri Nath Bhatt who was an Office Superintendent in the Education Department. Those days, this position was known as that of a Head Clerk. Nanaji’s father was very honest, hardworking & was deeply influenced by Gandhian thoughts. Nanaji was the only son among five sisters. But due to his father’s untimely death, the family’s economic condition deteriorated. Hence, Nanaji whose original dream was to be an “Engineer”, had to do Teacher’s training and become a Teacher instead.

Dayasagar Bhatt on his daughter’s (Roop’s mother) marriage.

He did his B.A. & M.A. in History. He also wrote a book on History. He was a teacher of History & English too.

He was extremely kind, helpful, honest & dedicated as a teacher, father, son & husband. His students still remember him with extreme fondness.

One of them wrote an article on him long back which was published in Navbharat Times. I, as his Granddaughter, contacted that gentleman through Facebook. I thanked him for his wonderful words & also informed him of Nanaji’s demise.

Another student of his, Shri Prakash Joshi Uncle who is Nagarpalika Adhyaksh in Almora, has been his student & in his words, Nanaji was an Ideal teacher, very dedicated, devoted & a disciplinarian. Uncle also shared interesting stories of how them being neighbors, at times he would get instructions to carry the bundle of examination copies to Nanaji’s house & he would happily do that for his favorite teacher & wait for his next instructions. Nanaji would point out even the smallest of mistakes in the exam copies & made sure that the students learnt the best.
(Dayasagar Masap of Almora)

No wonder he was the recipient of the Highest award in teaching, that is the “National award for teachers” by the then President of India, Dr. Zakir Hussain in 1967- 68. This President’s award is an achievement for him & also a matter of immense pride for me as his Granddaughter.

President Award

Many interesting aspects of his life have been shared by his niece, Smt.Janki Joshi Ji (She has also been a Teacher & resides in Navi Mumbai). She tells, he was very fond of literature & specially Urdu literature. During his training in Agra, he used to attend several Mushayaras and remembered lots of Sher-o-Shayari by heart.

She also says, he was extremely kind and caring by nature towards everyone & someone who believed in the value of maintaining relationships. He was so kind that he did total justice to his name “Daya Sagar “.
(Dayasagar Masap of Almora)

He also used to do mimicry & enjoyed making people around him laugh.
In a limited income, he was very efficient in running his household very well & passed on the same morals & values to his daughter Late Dr. Prof. Sudha Durgapal, my mother.

Janki Joshi (I fondly call her ‘Nani’) further tells, Nanaji made my mother learn various Shlokas in Sanskrit at a very young age. The same values were imparted to us also by her.

I feel my fondness for reading, knowledge of Sanskrit shlokas, interest in Urdu literature, has all come from Nanaji & my mother.

With wife Kanti Bhatt and younger daughter Sudha

During the last few years of his life, after his better half, my Nani, Smt. Kanti Bhatt passed away, Nanaji came to stay with us & at times I remember fighting with him for reading a book first. Apart from making coffee for me several times during my Board exams so that I could stay focussed, Nanaji also taught me a few things in Urdu, including writing my name.
(Daya Sagar Masap of Almora)

In his free time, he wrote some pieces, among which there is an article titled “Man, Duty & Divinity” & a short novel titled, “DURGA – The Daughter of the Himalayas” which remained unpublished due to his demise. I am currently reading it & I wish I could fulfill this wish of a National award-winning teacher who also won the hearts of his students.

The extent of his care & concern shows in the fact that, even during his final moments, his last words to me were, “Would you be able to get 80% marks?”
After that, he had a sip of “Ganga Jal” & left peacefully.

after retirement in his house in Almora

I strongly believe, it was his blessings & teachings that I was able to fulfill his wish by getting 86% marks & also by becoming an Engineer later, could live upto his dream of being an Engineer.

The story of my Nanaji is something that our current generation should definitely know about on this Teachers day. It’s my tribute to him.
(Dayasagar Masap of Almora)

Roop Durgapal

Read This article in Hindi : शिक्षक दिवस : राष्ट्रपति जाकिर हुसैन द्वारा सम्मानित अल्मोड़ा के दयासागर मासाप

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काफल ट्री वाट्सएप ग्रुप से जुड़ने के लिये यहाँ क्लिक करें: वाट्सएप काफल ट्री

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